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Ivy Kids Kit - An Extraordinary Egg
Ivy Kids Kit - An Extraordinary Egg
In this kit featuring the the humorous and heart-warming book An Extraordinary Egg by acclaimed author Leo Lionni you will find over 10 science, math, art, literacy and engineering activities inspired by the story:
- The book: An Extraordinary Egg by Leo Lionni
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- Wooden Alligator: Use the paints to decorate your wooden alligator and use the alligator for pretend play or as a decoration.
- An Extraordinary Egg: Use the paints to decorate your “extraordinary egg.”
- Pebble Sculpture: Use the pebbles and the play dough to create a sculpture.
- Frog Throw: Throw your frog and see how far it can go.
- Letter Pebbles: Take the sandbag frog and throw it at the letter pebble cards. Collect the card that the frog lands on, then identify the letter on the card and name something that starts with that letter sound.
- Egg Challenge: Use play dough to connect the plastic eggs on top of each other. See how tall you can build the egg tower before it falls over.
- What Hatched? - Matching Game: Each player takes a turn to pick up two eggs. If the cards inside each egg are the same, the pair is a match and the player collects the cards.
- Make Your Own Egg Shaker: Decorate the clear top of the egg with paint. Then place some pebbles inside the egg and shake it to create a sound.
- Get to the Momma Alligator Game: The object of this game is to get the frog and the alligator to the Momma Alligator.
- Pebble Beach Run Game: The object of this game is to get your animal pawn from one side of the board to the other, to collect a pebble, and to return to the side that you started from.
- What Hatches from an Egg: To play the game, cut out the animal cards and sort the cards according to animals that hatch from eggs and animals that don’t hatch from eggs.
- What Do You Think Hatched from the Egg?: What do you think hatched from the egg? Draw a picture and write your idea.
- Number Card Games: Decide which number is greater. Place the appropriate alligator “greater than” or “less than” sign between the 2 cards.
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.