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Ivy Kids Kit - Blueberries for Sal
Ivy Kids Kit - Blueberries for Sal
In this Ivy Kids Kit, featuring the book Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey you will find:
- The book Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey.
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- Blueberry Hunt: Scatter or hide the blueberries around your home and go "blueberry picking" with your pails.
- Blueberry Hill: Use the background, story characters, and paint dotter to create the scenery from the story.
- Little Bear: You will receive your very own Little Bear to cuddle, decorate, and play with.
- Where is Little Bear?: Pick a card and place Little Bear in the corresponding location to learn about positional words.
- Blueberry Picking: Spin the spinner and pick that number of blueberries from the bush.
- How Many Blueberries?: Use the number cards, blueberries, and tin pails to play a fun math game.
- Recipe for Blueberry Pie and Art Activity: Learn how to make your very own blueberry pie by following the easy to read recipe and create a pretend pie with the art materials provided.
- Recipe for Blueberry Preserves and Math Activity: Learn how to make your very own blueberry preserves by following the easy to read recipe. Then play a fun math activity by using the paint dotter to fill the different jars with blueberries.
- Recipe for Blueberry Bear Bread and Bear Mold: Learn how to make your very own blueberry bear bread by following the easy to read recipe and bear mold provided. The bear mold can also be used to freeze liquids, create jello, and as a mold with play dough.
- Blueberry Facts: Learn fun and interesting facts about blueberries.
- Modeling Clay: Use the clay to create your own blueberries or characters from the story. If you would like to keep your creations, leave your clay out to air dry.
- Mama Bear and Baby Bear: Create a Mama and Baby bear with the paper bags and bear body parts.
- Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Sort: Sort the letters by placing the uppercase letters in the Mama Bear and the lowercase letters in the Baby Bear.
- Mama Bear Word Game: Pick a letter from the Mama Bear and think of a word that begins with that letter. Collect a blueberry in your pail for every word you can think of.
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.