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Ivy Kids kit - Elmer
Ivy Kids kit - Elmer
In this Ivy Kids kit featuring the heartwarming book Elmer by David McKee, you will find:
- The book Elmer by David McKee, a story about a colorful and humorous elephant that teaches readers to be themselves and celebrates the power of laughter.
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- Wooden Elephant: Use paints to decorate a large wooden elephant. The colorful elephant will make a beautiful addition to a child’s room!
- Fingerprint Elephant: Create Elmer the elephant by stamping the entire paper elephant with different colored fingerprints. The fingerprint elephant will be a beautiful decoration for your home as well as a lovely keepsake of your child’s fingerprints.
- I Like That I Am...:At the of the story, Elmer learns that it is okay to be different and he likes that he is funny and makes the other elephants in the herd laugh. Now record what you like about yourself on the board provided and create a collage of your face.
- Elmer the Elephant Puppet: Decorate the small wooden elephant with paint and create a puppet to use as a fun prop while reading the story.
- Elmer’s Letters: Player(s) select a picture card, identify the beginning letter sound, and cover the corresponding letter on the Elmer board. The game is over when all the letters on Elmer have been covered by the colored squares.
- Elmer’s Words: Find each sight word on Elmer and cover it with the matching colored paper square. After playing the game, reread the story and see how many times you can find the sight words.
- Elmer’s Day: At the end of the book Elmer, all the elephants in the herd decide to celebrate Elmer once a year by painting themselves different colors. Pretend it is Elmer’s Day and use the crayons to color your face with designs, patterns, or squares.
- 3-Dimensional Mosaic: Place the colored cubes on the animal shapes to create colorful mosaics.
- Elephant Body Parts: Learn fun and interesting facts about an elephant's body, like why they have such large ears and long trunks.
- Elephant Body Part Labeling: Label the different parts of an elephant's body.
- Elephant Headband: Pretend to be an elephant by creating a headband with elephant ears and a trunk
- Roll-a-Square: Roll the die and cover the matching number on your Elmer board with a colored square. Be the first player to cover all the spots on your board to win the game.
- Elmer Race! Roll the dice and place a colored square in the column displaying the number rolled. Continue rolling until the colored squares reach the top of at least one Elmer column. Which Elmer column will win the race?
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.