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Ivy Kids Kit - Zin Zin Zin a Violin
Ivy Kids Kit - Zin Zin Zin a Violin
In August's Ivy Kids Kit, featuring the book Zin! Zin! ZIn! a Violin by Lloyd Moss you will find:
- The Caldecott Honor book Zin! Zin! ZIn! a Violin by Lloyd Moss.
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- Musical CD: As you read the book, play the CD to learn the sounds of the instruments introduced in the story. At the end of the CD, listen to classical music played by an orchestra.
- Instrument Memory Game: Match the number card to the corresponding instrument ensemble card in this musical version of memory. The instrument cards can also be used to retell the story of Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin by Lloyd Moss.
- How do Instruments Work?: Learn how vibrations make sounds and how instruments work by making your own instruments.
- Make Your Own Kazoo and Shaker: Use the materials provided to create a kazoo and shaker instrument.
- Make Your Own Pan Pipe: Use problem solving and mathematical skills to create your own colorful pan pipe instrument. Discover how tube length affects musical pitch.
- Make Your Own Strummer: Use the materials provided to create a unique strumming instrument and learn how string instruments make sounds.
- Instrument Race: Spin the instrument spinner and stamp a musical note in the matching instrument column. The instrument column that gets the most stamps wins the race.
- Instrument Family Race: Spin the instrument spinner and stamp a musical note in the matching instrument family column. Learn about the different instrument families while playing this fun graphing game. Which instrument family will win the race?
- Create Your Own Tambourine: Use the materials provided to make your own Tambourine.
- ABC Instrument Bingo: Players call out letter cards and try to match the cards to instruments on their boards that begin with that letter. The player with three letter cards in a row gets BINGO!
- Paint and Decorate a Wooden Maraca: Use the paints and stickers provided to decorate a maraca. Then play "Maraca Simon Says".
- Play with your own Recorder: Explore how a real Woodwind instrument works with your very own recorder.
- Guess the Instrument: With all of the instruments in this kit you can play a fun listening guessing game. One person plays an instrument and the other person tries to guess the instrument just by listening to the sound.
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.